Sixth College's Commencement ceremony will be held on Sunday, June 15, 2025 at 3:00 p.m. on Warren Field.
Graduates and their guests will have the opportunity to attend ceremonies in person. For the most up-to-date information on registration, transportation, and parking, please visit
Important Information for Graduates
Graduates must report to Warren Field, by 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 15, 2025. Only graduates (no families, friends, or other guests) will be admitted to the check-in area.
Graduates must have a printed ticket to participate in the ceremony. Please note that only your name will be read as you cross the stage, and do not add any other information to your ticket. If you misplace your ticket before the day of Commencement, you will be able to reprint your ticket at the kiosk on the field (there will be multiple kiosks on the field).
Please arrive ready to go in your cap, with tassel, and gown. Do not bring anything (e.g., purses, bags, changes of clothes, etc.) with you to the ceremony. There will not be a secure location for you to leave any personal belongings, and you will not be able to carry them.
Sixth College’s Commencement is successful and meaningful because graduates make it that way. Traditionally, the occasion is festive and graduates act decorously. Please do not diminish these traditions or disrespect yourself and your guests by bringing alcohol to the ceremony or arriving under the influence. Please also be respectful of your fellow graduates by staying for the entire ceremony, which will end no later than 5:00 p.m.
Graduating students must register for Commencement at by Friday, May 30 and receive a printed ticket to participate in their college ceremony. Tickets are not required for guests attending college ceremonies. All tickets ordered by Friday, May 30 will be available for printing on the registration website starting on Friday, June 6.
Graduates must print their own ticket and bring it with them to their college ceremony. The ticket can be reprinted in the event that it becomes lost or damaged. The first scan of the ticket at each ceremony will be the only use; other attempted entries will be denied.
How can I view the digital booklet?
It will be posted on and you can view it here as well.
How do I get my name in the Commencement booklet?
You must request that your name be included in the virtual booklet when you register for Commencement by the deadline of Wednesday, May 7 at 11:59 p.m.
The Commencement booklet will not be distributed during the ceremony. Graduates and guests can download a virtual booklet online at the day of their ceremony.
Does the list of names in the Commencement booklet serve as proof of graduation, or graduation with honors?No, the Commencement booklet does not serve as proof of graduation or a document of record; rather, it is a keepsake or memento. The final degree will be awarded based on all completed coursework and university requirements.
Undergraduate Commencement Exception Requests
If you choose to participate in the college ceremonies, you must attend your home college’s ceremony, unless you have a preapproved exception. Check the list below for possible reasons an exception may be granted.
If one of the circumstances below applies and you are unable to graduate with your college, you may request to participate in another college’s ceremony based on availability. This is called an “exception request.”
Submit your written exception request via e-mail no later than Wednesday, May 7, with the supporting documents described below, to
You will be notified in writing of the committee’s decision. Supporting documents will be kept confidential and securely disposed of after a decision is made.
Exceptions considered by the committee:
You would like to participate in the ceremony of a college, other than your college of enrollment, where you have have lived or worked for at least two years.
Provide documentation on university letterhead from the Residential Life Office or your work supervisor confirming the two-year period. Living at the Village is not applicable to this exception request.
You would like to participate in the ceremony of a college, other than your college of enrollment, where you have served as a resident adviser, orientation leader, or intern.
Contact the Dean of Student Affairs for the college whose ceremony you would like to participate in to request verification of the college position you held.
An immediate family member is graduating from an elementary, middle, or high school or from a college or university at a time that conflicts with your home college’s ceremony.
Provide documentation on official letterhead from the school’s principal or dean stating the date and time of the conflicting school’s graduation.
Religious law prevents you from attending your home college’s ceremony.
Provide documentation on official organizational letterhead supporting the exception request.
International Students
International students requesting an invitation letter or visa information can contact the International Students and Programs Office.
Important Information for Guests
Guests should report to Warren Field by 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 15. Tickets are not required for guests. Guests are strongly discouraged from bringing balloons, signs, or any other items that will obstruct the view of other attendees. The Commencement procession will begin promptly at 3:00 p.m.
Graduates should decide in advance where to meet guests after the ceremony. Since there will be a large number of people on the field, it is helpful to designate a location to meet after Commencement ends at 5:00 p.m.
Parking on campus will be tight, so graduates and guests are strongly encouraged to arrive quite early. More detailed information about transportation and parking, including ADA access, is available via the link
Caps and Gowns
Regalia will be available for purchase during Grad Fair, which will be held from Tuesday, May 6 to Thursday, May 8, or afterward from the UC San Diego Bookstore.