Involvement Opportunities
Non Discrimination Statement
In accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, the University of California does not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories.
More information about Proposition 209 can be found here.
More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.
Graphic Design Intern
The Graphic Design Intern is a paid position, who works closely with our Coordinator of Student Activities to create marketing materials for Sixth College events/ initiatives and marketing communications, including Sixth College social media and the Sixth News You Can Use Newsletter.
For more information, please check out Sixth News You Can Use or contact the Coordinator of Student Activities.
Orientation Interns
The Orientation Interns are paid positions that work closely with professional staff throughout the year on Orientation logistics (meals, reservations, rentals, etc.) and play a major role in our communication with students and families about the Sixth College Orientation Program.
For more information, please visit this website, or e-mail the Senior New Student Program Specialist.
Orientation Leaders (OLs)
Sixth College Orientation Leaders are paid positions, hired every year to create Sixth’s first impression to our new students (First Years and Transfers) and their families. Sixth College OLs serve as role models to our new students, while introducing them to campus and helping them transition into the academic year.
For more information, please visit this website, or e-mail
PACE Fellows/Intern
PACE Inclusive fellowships allow UC San Diego to support the learning and professional development needs of undocumented students, who are unable to secure a campus job or internship. Sixth College offers two of these fellowships, one working with leadership development and another working with first-generation students. PACE fellows are not required to have work authorization or a social security number to qualify for the grant, but require eligibility for state financial aid.
For more information, please review the Undocumented Student Services (USS) webpage or contact our Student Life and Development Specialist and Assistant Dean of Student Affairs.
Resident Assistants (RAs)
- Resident Assistants (RAs) are members of the Sixth College Residential Life staff who live on campus.
- RAs serve as resources and mentors for residential students.
- RAs plan and implement various programs, events, and activities on campus for Sixth College students.
For more information, contact Anthony Jakubisin, Associate Dean of Student Affairs / Director of Residential Life.
Sixth College Student Council (SCSC)
Sixth College Student Council is a volunteer, student-run governing body for Sixth College, composed of elected and appointed student leaders who represent the voices of Sixers on campus wide committees, program to keep Sixth traditions alive, and advocate for the issues that arise in our community.
For more information, contact the SCSC President or visit the SCSC website.
Sixth College Student Organizations
Community Board (CoBoard)
Sixth College Community Board (CoBoard), is a volunteer-based, student-led Residential College Council that strives to foster an environment of creativity, connection, and celebration of Sixers through community initiatives, events, and service.
Meetings: Mondays at 7:00 P.M. in The Lodge (Fall 2024)
CoBoard Email | CoBoard Facebook Page
Want to start a new club or organization within Sixth College?
Anyone can start their own! Being under Sixth College also grants you funding, help from Sixth College student leaders and faculty, and established meeting times and locations for your club. If you are interested, please check out this page. If you have any questions, you can contact the Coordinator of Student Activities.
Student Affairs Activity Assistants (SAAAs)
The Sixth College Student Affairs Activities Assistant (SAAAs) position is a paid position that assists in the coordination of Welcome Week activities as well as weeks 1-5. This is a paid opportunity that sharpens your event planning and leadership skills.
For more information, contact the Coordinator of Student Activities or Student Life and Development Specialist.
Welcome Week Ambassadors
The Welcome Week Ambassador position is a volunteer student leader role that makes Welcome Week happen. This opportunity builds several transferable skills, including leadership, event planning, networking, and group facilitation. Ambassadors are Sixth College students who strive to increase Sixth College students' sense of belonging and connectedness to the community, as well as, assist with move-in, orientation, Welcome Week activities and other community building programs.
For more information, contact the Coordinator of Student Activities or Student Life and Development Specialist.