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Sixth College Student Council

Sixth College Student Council

Who We Are

Sixth College Student Council is a student-run governing body for Sixth College composed of elected and appointed student leaders who represent the voices of Sixers on campus wide committees, program to keep Sixth traditions alive, and advocate for the issues that arise in our community to be heard and answered. SCSC works to allocate student funds effectively and efficiently, as well as maintain policies that help Sixth run smoothly and transparently. We strive to embody Sixth College's three core values: culture, art, and technology into the goals we establish so that Sixers may feel welcome and at home within our community.

Interested in Joining? Attend a Meeting!

General Meetings

Any member of the public is welcome to attend and give input at council meetings!

Meeting Time: Every Thursday @ 5:15 P.M.*
Meeting Location: The Hub: Main Conference Room on the 2nd floor of Sixth Administration Building (located next to Catalyst)
Current Meeting: In-Person with Remote Options Available
*Currently no meetings during summer. 

Finance Meetings - Winter 2025

If you want to request funding from SCSC for your events, please visit the Funding page for more information. Here is the meeting information for Finance Committee:

Meeting Time: *Wednesdays from 5-6 P.M.
Meeting Location: Sixth College Hub, Conference Room CT0178
*Due to campus holidays, some meetings may be canceled or rescheduled. Please keep this in mind for budget timelines. 

Join our community!

Follow our social media to get the latest news on Sixth College events!

Instagram: @sixthcollegestudentcouncil
Facebook: Sixth College Student Council - SCSC
Youtube: SixthCollegeStudentCouncil