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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I take a course as pass/no pass to fulfill the experiential learning requirement?

You are allowed to take a course for the experiential learning requirement as pass/no pass as long as you are not also using the class for any of your major requirements, as departments typically require that all major coursework be taken for a letter grade. You must also make sure that taking the class as pass/no pass will not cause you to exceed the 25% pass/no pass unit maximum, since no more than a quarter of your UC San Diego units can be taken as pass/no pass.

Can I fulfill the experiential learning requirement with a approved course I'm already taking for another requirement?

You are allowed to overlap the experiential learning requirement with your major, minor, or university requirements, but not with other general education requirements for Sixth College. Any class included on the approved course list will automatically clear your experiential learning requirement as well as any other requirements it satisfies, as long as your major or minor department also allows you to overlap your coursework with other requirements.

Can I take an approved course to fulfill the experiential learning requirement even if it’s not for my major?

When choosing a class to fulfill the experiential learning requirement you are not restricted to your own field. You can take any class from the approved course list that you meet the prerequisites for, even if it is not from your major department or part of your major coursework.

How do I take CAT 124 to fulfill the experiential learning requirement?

You can request permission to register for CAT 124 through the Enrollment Authorization System. It is not necessary to include a justification or any supporting documentation, but you may be sent an eligibility form to complete so that it can be verified that you qualify to enroll. After your registration request is approved, you can enroll in the course on WebReg.

Can I fulfill the experiential learning requirement with an internship?

You can use an internship to fulfill the experiential learning requirement if you are able to receive academic credit for it. The Academic Internship Program allows students to enroll in AIP 197 in order to receive course credit for work experiences that meet their eligibility criteria. One of these criteria is that the opportunity must be an internship rather than a job, meaning that it must take place over a predetermined period instead of an indefinite length of time. If your work experience meets these criteria and you take AIP 197 for at least four units, it will automatically satisfy the experiential learning requirement.

Can I fulfill the experiential learning requirement with a special study?

Special studies 198 or 199 courses can be used to satisfy the experiential learning requirement if they meet all of the eligibility criteria. You will need to have a special studies course contract signed by your faculty mentor and submit it with a course proposal by Friday of Week 8 of the quarter before you participate in your special study.

Can I fulfill the experiential learning requirement by studying abroad?

You can study abroad to satisfy the experiential learning requirement by participating in a Global Experience. All Global Seminar courses and certain classes from other programs offered by UC San Diego are included on the approved course list for Global Experience, and you can submit a course proposal for other study abroad classes not listed there. You will need to select the "non-special studies course" option, upload a copy of the syllabus for the class you are proposing so that it can be reviewed to ensure it meets the eligibility criteria, and submit the proposal by Friday of Week 8 of the quarter before you participate in your study abroad program.

Can I fulfill the experiential learning requirement with a course I've already taken?

In order to fulfill the experiential learning requirement with a special studies 198 or 199 course or any class not included on the approved course list, you must submit a course proposal by Friday of Week 8 of the quarter before you take the class being proposed. We are unfortunately not able to accept coursework for which a proposal was not submitted in advance as we do not allow any retroactive credit.

Do I need to submit a course proposal for an approved course?

If you are taking a class from the approved course list, you do not need to submit a course proposal for it as it will automatically fulfill the experiential learning requirement.

When should I submit my course proposal?

If you are taking a special studies 198 or 199 course or any class not included on the approved course list, you must submit a course proposal by Friday of Week 8 of the quarter before you participate in the project you are proposing.

When will I know if my course proposal has been approved?

Course proposals for the experiential learning requirement are reviewed after the submission deadline at the end of Week 8. You will receive a notification in the Virtual Advising Center about the status of your proposal by the end of Week 10.

When will the experiential learning requirement be cleared on my degree audit?

If you submitted a course proposal for the experiential learning requirement and your proposal was approved, your degree audit will be manually updated to reflect fulfillment of the requirement after you receive a passing grade in the class you proposed. You can expect to see this change on your degree audit during the week after final exams.

Where can I find other experiential learning opportunities?

You can browse the list of Experiential Learning Opportunities to find projects to participate in while fulfilling your experiential learning requirement, or to simply gaining a valuable educational experience.

Virtual Advising Center

Use the Virtual Advising Center to submit questions about the experiential learning requirement at any time.

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