Fulfillment Tracks
To fulfill your experiential learning requirement, you must complete an approved course from one of the five experiential learning tracks. Please note that some courses may require an application or additional approval before enrollment, so it's important to plan ahead. Special Studies courses (198 or 199) may also be approved to meet this requirement, but students must submit a course proposal for consideration.
Take the time to explore the different tracks and review the approved courses within each one to find the class that best aligns with your interests and goals!

Community Engagement
Do you want to help make San Diego a better, more vibrant place to live?
Internship and Apprenticeship
Are you looking to get real-world experience in your field while building your résumé?

Research and Design
Would you like to learn how to do research from some of UCSD's most esteemed professors and scholars?

Global Experience
Have you always dreamed of traveling across the country—or across the world?
Updated Approved Course List
An updated approved course list is effective as of Fall 2024. The previous approved course list was only effective through Summer 2024. To minimize any impacts to long-term planning, students who entered the university prior to Fall 2024 can write into the Virtual Advising Center to request an exception to this change.
Once you've enrolled in a class from the previous approved course list, you can send a message asking to have it applied to your experiential learning requirement and your degree audit will be manually updated. Again, please note that you must wait until you've registered for the previously approved course to submit this request.
Approved Course Lists
Spring 2025 Approved Course List
View all courses approved to automatically fulfill the experiential learning requirement offered during Spring 2025.
Updated Approved Course List
View all courses approved to automatically fulfill the experiential learning requirement, effective as of Fall 2024.
Previous Approved Course List
View all courses approved to automatically fulfill the experiential learning requirement, effective through Summer 2024.
Virtual Advising Center
Use the Virtual Advising Center to submit questions about the experiential learning requirement at any time, or visit experiential learning drop-in hours on Tuesdays from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. during Week 1 through Finals Week.