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CAT 90

What Is CAT 90: Experiential Learning Seminar?

CAT 90 is a one-unit reflection seminar designed for students who engage in summer experiential learning activities and would like to apply these activities towards the experiential learning requirement. Please note that only Dr. Geibel's course offered each fall quarter fulfills the requirement; other versions of CAT 90 do not satisfy the experiential learning requirement.

The purpose of CAT 90 is to encourage student growth through facilitated reflection and analysis of their experiential learning activity. Through guided prompts, discussions, and written reflections students will investigate their own perspectives, assumptions, and values and evaluate how these things informed their experience. Towards the end of the course, students will be asked to engage in reflection for action, a practice focused on improving student success in the future by applying their cultivated knowledge to future career and academic decisions.

CAT 90

How Does CAT 90 Work?

Students who complete an approved experiential learning activity over the summer may enroll in CAT 90: Experiential Learning Seminar during the fall quarter. Preauthorization requests for CAT 124 can be submitted through the Enrollment Authorization System and do not require a justification or any supporting documentation. You will be sent an eligibility form to complete so that it can be verified that you qualify to enroll. After your registration request is approved, you can enroll in the course on WebReg. Once you have successfully passed CAT 90, your degree audit will be updated to reflect completion of the experiential learning requirement.

Upcoming Courses

Find out about CAT 90 classes being offered in the coming quarters!

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How Do I Qualify to Enroll?

Students interested in taking CAT 90 during the fall quarter must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • You must engage in at least eighty hours of an experiential learning activity.
  • You must engage in at least five weeks of the experiential learning activity.
  • You must conclude the experiential learning activity between July 1 and October 1.
    • Since this is a reflection-based course, the activity cannot be ongoing during the fall.
  • You must work with a supervisor or other individual who can sign off on your hours and responsibilities.
  • You must not receive academic credit for the experiential learning activity through any other course.

What Is an Experiential Learning Activity?

Based upon the fulfillment tracks of the experiential learning requirement, an experiential learning activity is considered to include any of the following:

Experiential Learning Activity

  1. Community Engagement: Volunteer opportunities with on- or off-campus organizations.
  2. Internship and Apprenticeship: Work experiences with on- and off-campus businesses.
  3. Research and Design: Supervised experiences including training and honors programs.
  4. Art and Performance: Participation in artistic shows including choir, theater, and dance.
  5. Global Experience: Domestic and international opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I enroll in CAT 90?
    • Preauthorization requests for CAT 124 can be submitted through the Enrollment Authorization System and do not require a justification or any supporting documentation. You will be sent an eligibility form to complete so that it can be verified that you qualify to enroll. After your registration request is approved, you can enroll in the course on WebReg.
  • Does CAT 90 fulfill the experiential learning requirement?
    • Yes, a passing grade in CAT 90 will fulfill your experiential learning requirement.
  • How will I get credit for my experiential learning requirement?
    • Once you have successfully passed CAT 90, your degree audit will be updated to reflect completion of the experiential learning requirement. No action is required on your part.
  • What if my experiential learning activity is paid?
    • No problem. Paid and unpaid experiential learning activities are eligible for CAT 90.
  • What if I receive Co-Curricular Record credit for my experiential learning activity?
    • No problem. CCR-approved opportunities are also eligible for CAT 90.
  • What happens if I do not meet all the enrollment criteria?
    • If you have not met all of the required criteria for enrollment in CAT 90, including turning in a signed Supervisor Confirmation Form, by the end of Week 1 of the fall quarter, you will not be able to pass the class and will be asked to drop from it immediately.
  • Do I need to have upper-division standing to take CAT 90?
    • No, as long as you meet the enrollment criteria you can take CAT 90 regardless of whether you have lower- or upper-division standing.
  • Can I take CAT 90 for a letter grade?
    • No, CAT 90 can only be taken as pass/no pass.
  • Will my experiential learning requirement still be complete if I don't earn a passing grade?
    • No, if you do not pass CAT 90 your experiential learning requirement will be incomplete and you will need to take another course to satisfy it.

Virtual Advising Center

Use the Virtual Advising Center to submit questions about the experiential learning requirement at any time, or visit experiential learning drop-in hours on Tuesdays from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. during Week 1 through Finals Week.

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