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Course Proposal

The course proposal is an online form that allows you to request to have a class that is not included on the approved course list reviewed for fulfillment of the experiential learning requirement. If you take an approved course, it will automatically satisfy your experiential learning requirement and you do not need to submit a proposal.

If you have an experiential learning class in mind but don't see it on the approved course list, you can propose it for review by submitting a course proposal before the deadline specified for the category of that class. Classes eligible to be proposed will fall under one of three categories: study abroad coursework, special study 198 or 199 courses, and other UC San Diego classes.

Submission Deadlines

  • Proposals for study abroad coursework must be submitted by Friday of Week 8 of the quarter after you return from studying abroad.

  • Proposals for special study 198 or 199 courses and other UC San Diego classes must be submitted by Friday of Week 8 of the quarter before you take the class.

Submit Proposal

Study Abroad Coursework

The experiential learning requirement can be fulfilled by study abroad programs that are transferable to UC San Diego. Eligible programs include Global Exchange and other programs taken while enrolled at UC San Diego, UC Education Abroad Program (UCEAP) and programs hosted by the UC system or other UC campuses, and third-party providers. If you are participating in a Global Seminar or taking another class included on the approved course list for Global Experience, your coursework will automatically fulfill the experiential learning requirement and you will not need to submit a course proposal.

Eligibility Criteria

To fulfill the experiential learning requirement, study abroad programs must meet the following criteria:

  • Involve faculty supervision.

  • Provide at least four units of UC-transferable upper-division credit.

    • Your study abroad coursework must appear on your UC San Diego transcript.

    • You must receive a passing grade in the study abroad course you propose.

    • You must contact the Experiential Learning Coordinator through the Virtual Advising Center to request special consideration if you do not plan to take any upper-division classes while studying abroad.

  • Take place in person over at least four weeks.

    • Virtual exchanges would not meet this requirement.

Due to university policy, a single course cannot be used to fulfill multiple general education requirements. You must ensure that the study abroad class you propose for the experiential learning requirement is not being applied toward another area of Sixth College's GE requirements.


  • Before you go: Check in with the Experiential Learning Coordinator through the Virtual Advising Center before you finalize your study abroad plans to make sure your chosen program meets the eligibility criteria listed above.

  • After you return: Complete the online UCEAP Navigating Reentry module and submit your course proposal within one quarter of your return to UC San Diego.

Required Documents

  • Companion Worksheet: Use this document to save and submit your responses to the four Unpacking Activities embedded in UCEAP Navigating Reentry.

    1. Unpacking Activity #1—The Navigator: For each of the four prompts within this activity your response must be at least 100 words, which means you should elaborate on your responses beyond just providing bullet points.

    2. Unpacking Activity #2—Skills Suitcase: For each of the six categories you must select at least one skill.

    3. Unpacking Activity #3—Build a STAR: Your full story must be at least 150 words, meaning you should write out a complete and cohesive story rather than an outline—be detailed and descriptive!

    4. Unpacking Activity #4—Stepping Stones: For each of the three sections, check at least two boxes of future opportunities you are interested in.

  • Certificate of Completion: Save and submit the certificate of completion you are presented upon completing the online module.

  • UC San Diego Transcript: Submit your UC San Diego transcript showing that your study abroad coursework has been transferred and that you received passing grades. An unofficial transcript or a screenshot of your academic history is sufficient.

Submission Deadlines

Proposals for study abroad coursework must be submitted by Friday of Week 8 of the quarter after you return from studying abroad. You will be notified about the status of your proposal through the Virtual Advising Center by the end of Week 10 of that quarter.

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the submission deadlines are as follows:

  • For Fall 2024 programs: Proposals due by Friday, February 28, 2025.

  • For Winter 2025 programs: Proposals due by Friday, May 23, 2025.

If your study abroad coursework has not been posted to your UC San Diego transcript by the relevant deadline, you can submit your course proposal with your current transcript. Once your study abroad coursework appears on your transcript, you will need to edit your proposal submission to include the updated transcript. Your proposal will not be approved until all the required documents have been received.

Special Study 198 or 199 Courses

Eligibility Criteria

To fulfill the experiential learning requirement, special studies must meet the following criteria:

  • Involve faculty supervision.

  • Provide at least four units of upper-division credit.

  • Require hands-on, active forms of learning that allow students to think independently and take ownership of their own learning.

    • Projects where students read passively, memorize information, or follow directions would not meet this requirement.

  • Culminate in a final deliverable derived from or inspired by the experiential learning.

    • This could take the form of a research paper, report, media project, presentation, or performance.

Required Documents

You must submit a signed special study course contract by following the steps below.

  • Fill in the proposed course and student information.

  • Sign the contract—digital and scanned signatures are acceptable.

  • Send the contract to your faculty mentor to fill in their information and sign.

  • Once signed by your faculty mentor, attach the contact to your proposal form and submit the course proposal.

Submission Deadlines

Proposals for special study 198 or 199 courses must be submitted by Friday of Week 8 of the quarter before you take the class. You will be notified about the status of your proposal through the Virtual Advising Center by the end of Week 10 of that quarter.

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the submission deadlines are as follows:

  • For Fall 2024 projects: Proposals due by Friday, May 24, 2024.

  • For Winter 2025 projects: Proposals due by Friday, November 22, 2024.

  • For Spring 2025 projects: Proposals due by Friday, February 28, 2025.

  • For Summer 2025 projects: Proposals due by Friday, May 23, 2025.

Other UC San Diego Classes

Eligibility Criteria

To fulfill the experiential learning requirement, UC San Diego classes that are not already approved to automatically satisfy it must meet the following criteria:

  • Involve faculty supervision.

  • Provide at least four units of upper-division credit.

  • Center around one or more of the five fulfillment tracks, engaging significantly in that type of experiential learning each week.

    • The experiential work must be substantial and sustained throughout the quarter; occasional or one-off activities would not meet this requirement.

  • Require hands-on, active forms of learning that allow students to think independently and take ownership of their own learning.

    • Projects where students read passively, memorize information, or follow directions would not meet this requirement.

  • Provide dedicated time and space for analysis of the experiential work taking place.

    • This could be done through mentorship, journaling, discussion boards, or reflective assignments.

  • Culminate in a final deliverable derived from or inspired by the experiential learning.

    • This could take the form of a research paper, report, media project, presentation, or performance.

These minimum criteria are necessary but may not always be sufficient to qualify a course for fulfillment of the experiential learning requirement. They are meant to give you an idea of what to look for when considering whether a certain class could potentially satisfy the requirement.

Required Documents

You must submit a copy of the course syllabus. If you do not yet have a syllabus for this class, reach out to the instructor or their department to obtain one.

Submission Deadlines

Proposals for other UC San Diego classes must be submitted by Friday of Week 8 of the quarter before you take the class. You will be notified about the status of your proposal through the Virtual Advising Center by the end of Week 10 of that quarter.

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the submission deadlines are as follows:

  • For Fall 2024 projects: Proposals due by Friday, May 24, 2024.

  • For Winter 2025 projects: Proposals due by Friday, November 22, 2024.

  • For Spring 2025 projects: Proposals due by Friday, February 28, 2025.

  • For Summer 2025 projects: Proposals due by Friday, May 23, 2025.

Virtual Advising Center

Use the Virtual Advising Center to submit questions about the experiential learning requirement at any time, or visit experiential learning drop-in hours on Tuesdays from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. during Week 1 through Finals Week.

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