CAT 2: Creative Acts of Citizenship: Border Neighborhoods Perform

Teddy Cruz


Syllabus: CAT2_WI12_Cruz_Syllabus.pdf

This course will engage the San Diego–Tijuana border, where some of the wealthiest real estate lies barely twenty minutes away from some of the poorest settlements in Latin America. Here new social, cultural and environmental configurations are taking place as catalysts to produce a new collective imagination, alternative urban policies and more inclusive housing paradigms.

We will examine case studies on both sides of the border, looking at migrant workers flowing from Tijuana into San Diego to transform the American neighborhood with tactics of retrofit and adaptation while waste materials move in the opposite direction to be recycled in a ‘second hand’ urbanism of shanty towns, emergency housing, and maquiladoras.

Academic Programs

Pepper Canyon Hall
2nd Floor

Office Hours
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
1:00 PM - 4:30 PM

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