Student Leader & Org Resources
Non Discrimination Statement
In accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, the University of California does not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories.
More information about Proposition 209 can be found here.
More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.
Organization Registration / Re-Registration
Registration Timeline
Fall Quarter
- Week 1-3: Register a New Sixth College Organization
Winter Quarter
- Week 1-3: Register a New Sixth College organization
Spring Quarter: Re-Register a Sixth College Organization
- Week 5: Deadline to submit Re-Register Paperwork
- Week 6: Re-registration under review
- Week 7: Complete submission if anything needs resubmit
How to Re-Register a Sixth College Organization
- Complete the registration form (PDF) and have your advisor complete the advisor acknowledgement form (PDF)
- Update your constitution (PDF)
- Submit registration form, advisor acknowledgement, and constitution to the Sixth College Hub (Pepper Canyon Hall, 2nd Floor), or email to
- All organizations must update contact information when any changes occur.
How to Register a New Sixth College Organization
To register use these steps:
- Complete the registration form (PDF)
- Update your constitution (PDF)
- Complete the Tell Us About Your Organization (PDF) questionnaire to help us understand your organization. Your answers will factor into the registration process. So please take them seriously.
- What are the specific reasons/needs for establishing a new Sixth Organization?
- Will the new organization fulfill the needs of the Sixth Community that are not currently addressed? If so, what needs will be met?
- How will the organization benefit the Sixth Community?
- What types of programming and activities will the new organization provide?
- For what reasons did you choose a specific advisor?
- Submit registration form, advisor acknowledgement, questionnaire, and constitution to the front desk at the Sixth College Hub or email to
A minimum of 50% of the Principal Members must meet with the Coordinator of Student Activities to go over rules and regulations following approval of the new organization.
Approval Process
The packet will be reviewed by the Coordinator of Student Activities, who will check for proper completion. They will either approve or give necessary edits to the group by the end of Week 4 in Fall and Winter Quarter for New Registered Student Orgs and end of Week 6 for Re-Registered Student Orgs.
Upon approval, 50% of the Principal Members must meet with the Coordinator of Student Activities to go over rules and regulations.
Sixth College offers a Student Leadership workshop specifically for our student orgs during fall quarter. This workshop gives updates to student orgs on specific university processes and gives our student leaders a chance to collaborate with other Sixth College Orgs. At least one member must attend to maintain Sixth College Org status.
Principal Members
- Sixth College requires a minimum of three (3) full-time registered UC San Diego students, two of whom must hold the positions of President and Financial Officer within the organization. At all times the President and Financial Officer must be held by Sixth students.
- Principal members assume full responsibility for the financial status, actions, and programs of the student organization.
- Only registered principal members are authorized to officially conduct business with the University, e.g., calendar events, reserve facilities, access budget numbers, and spend student organization funds.
- Student organizations may not be used as a conduit for personal financial gain or for the establishment of personal business.
- Students must update organization registration each time any of the principal members change or there are any updates to the organization’s constitution.
Official Advisors
All Sixth College organizations are required one non-student, UCSD staff or faculty member as an official advisor.
- Advisors must sign the student organization advisory signature page in the registration packet.
- Advisors are required to work with student organizations to ensure that they are following proper University procedures.
All student organizations must register every Fall Quarter by the end of the third week in order to be considered a registered student organization for the calendar year. New student organizations may complete a registration packet at any time in the year. All organizations must update contact information when any changes occur.
Student Event Forms
Before an event
- Have you met with your advisor? You must get their approval before preceding. They are there to help guide your event planning process and ensure that you are in compliance with university policies.
- Are you requesting funding from Sixth College Student Council? Be sure to visit the funding section of their website.
- Make sure that you print enough attendee lists for the expected number. Save a tree and print double sided.
- Are you giving away prizes at your event? If you are, fill out the Prize Distribution Form before the event. Be sure to have it with you on the day of the event so that you can collect the names and PIDs of your lucky winners.
- If you are planning ahead, your advisor has the resources to make event supply purchases on your behalf via a university express card, cash advance, or purchase order. This means you will not have to front your own money and wait to get reimbursed! PLAN AHEAD!!!!
After an event
- If you received funding from Sixth College Student Council you will need to submit a post budget that records your actual expenses for the event along with an Event Evaluation Form. Both need to be submitted to the VP of Finance ( and the Executive Assistant to the Dean of Student Affairs (
- Did you make a purchase using you own money? Submit a Reimbursement Request Form to the Executive Assistant to the Dean of Student Affairs ( The form should be completely filled out, signed by your advisor, and turned in with original receipts, attendee lists, and if applicable the Prize Distribution Form.
Leadership Development Resources
Useful Documents
Conducting Successful Meetings (PDF)
Community Building Activities (PDF)
Icebreakers, Team Building Activities, and Energizers (PDF)
Five Cs of Leadership (PDF)
Public Speaking (PDF)
Leadership Tip Sheets (PDF)
Marketing Your Events and Organization
Gathering & Printing Marketing Materials
Campus Printing
- You can get most of your printing needs done at Imprints. They can do flyers, booklets, posters, and more. Check out their website for all the services they offer, their location, their hours, and more.
- If you’re printing posters for an event to post around campus, we recommend printing them at 11in. x 17in.
- However, do not be afraid to experiment. Sometimes having more unorthodox dimensions may stand out from the crowd.
Ordering Online
Here are our recommended services for getting materials ordered and printed online for various products:
- Stickers: UPrinting Stickers | Stickermule
- Handouts: UPrinting | VistaPrint
- Tablecloths: Totally Promotional | 4Imprint Table Covers | VistaPrint Tablecloths
- Giveaway Items: 4Imprint | Pure Promo | Crestline
- Apparel: CollegeWear | 4Imprint Apparel
We recommend you compare the prices and quality of specific items from different services to find the best one for you.
Handouts Information
Whether you’re designing a brochure, a flyer, or a business card, here are the most important things you should include on them when advertising an event or organization:
- Title/Name of Event or Organization
- Date(s) & Time(s)
- Location(s)
- Blurb about the event/organization (keep it short and straight to the point, but do your best to include all the important information needed for it)
- Attention-grabbing graphic or tagline
Additional Advice:
- Do not overstuff your words. If there’s a lot of reading that must be done, it can be intimidating for people to actually stop and read it all (especially for flyers posted around campus). Keep it light and easy to digest.
- Give them a call to action. Phrases such as “Sign up today!”, “Mark your calendars!”, or “Check out our website!” are more enticing and may actually have audiences respond.
- Proofread, proofread, proofread. The last thing you want is to have 500 brochures printed with the wrong information or an embarrassing typo. Always remember to review your work before you send it out to the printers.
Graphic Design Resources
Don’t have anybody that can help design materials for you? Lack the programs to make designs? Here are some resources you can use!
- A.S. Graphics Studio: UC San Diego’s main source for graphic design needs, available for events and student organizations. Their team can design posters, shirts, social media graphics, and more! Prices and turnaround time do vary depending on the amount of graphics needed, so keep that in mind.
- Canva: A free website where you can design both printable materials (flyers, business cards, brochures, etc.) and digital materials (social media banners, ads, infographics, etc.) using their pre-set templates and graphics. It’s very easy to use and you can make stunning designs instantly. Please keep in mind some templates and graphics do cost money if you want to use them.
- Adobe Spark: Similar to Canva in that you can make graphics through a browser app via templates. You can also create web pages and videos through this program. Some features are locked behind a paywall, however. Also available on smartphone devices.
- Adobe Creative Cloud on Campus: The Digital Playroom (2nd floor of Pepper Canyon Hall), Geisel Library, and the EnVision Makerspace Lab (3rd floor of SME Building) all have programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and more pre-installed on their computers. If you know your way around those programs, but do not actually own them, these are your best options.
- GIMP and Inkscape: Alternatively, if you are willing to learn graphic design but cannot afford paying for any of the Adobe programs, you can download and alternative freeware programs that can offer the same amount of usability to their counterparts. GIMP can be used in place of Photoshop, and Inkscape can be used in place of Illustrator.
Social Media
Using Facebook
Facebook is a very popular platform to create Event Pages and Business Pages, both of which are very useful for digital marketing. Event Pages help people learn more and remind themselves of an event, and Business Pages is what helps people be informed of what an organization is doing on their campus.
Elements of a good Event Page:
- A good title
- An impressionable event banner
- A blurb about the event
- A blurb about the organization behind the event
- A clearly stated date, time, and location
- A few short lines about the highlights of the event (ex. Performances, free stuff, food offered, etc.)
- Links/resources for further information (website, contact email, etc.)
- An FAQ section
- Scheduled posts leading up to the event (highlights, throwbacks, countdown posts, etc.)
- Posts made during or after the event
- (Optional) A section at the end with information on more information behind the organization and/or upcoming events hosted by the same information
- (Optional) A defined link for ticket purchasing/RSVPing (with disclaimers)
Elements of a good Business Page:
- An impressionable cover photo
- A simple profile photo
- A concise “About” section
- An easily locatable way to contact you/learn more (contact information on the “About section,” website link in the cover photo, etc.)
- A “Call to action” button (located under your cover photo) (ex. "Shop Now," "Contact Us," "Visit Our Website")
- Engaging timeline (regularly posted content, such as photos, reminders, and event pages)
- (Optional) Integration with Instagram
- (Optional) Relevant pinned posts
Examples of good Business Pages: Sixth College FB Page, Associated Students - UC San Diego, Triton Outfitters, The Zone, Geisel Library.
Using Facebook Promotions
- We recommend (if you are able to afford it) looking into Facebook Promotions. This is essentially paying a varying amount of money to have an event page or post appear on a specified amount of people’s Facebook timelines - even if they do not follow your page.
- They are very customizable as you can set how long you want it to be promoted, what will be shown, and who it will be shown too. Facebook would then adjust the costs based on your needs. You can learn more here.
TIP: Quality Over Quantity Keeping your audiences engaged is one thing, but constant spamming their notification inboxes is another. Keep your posts relatively spaced out and avoid posting multiple times a day, or else you may lose users if they start to get annoyed by the constant stream of posts. Plan a posting schedule and have posts prepared and scheduled to go live at certain times of the day/week.
Sharing in Group Pages:
- Another great way to reach out to a lot of students at once is to post in group pages. It is best to post in them not too often so that they won’t be flooded with your notifications (which can do the opposite effect of what you’re trying to achieve), but having a post with a link to an event page/business page and a quick-to-read blurb is a great way to pull people in. Here are a few recommended group pages you can advertise your events:
- Sixth College Class of ____ (each year group containing currently admitted students)
- UCSD Class of ____ (similar to above)
- UCSD Department Groups (Computer Science, Visual Arts, Biology, etc.)
- UCSD Free Food Brigade
- Events & Parties
- Concerts at UCSD!
- Jobs & Internships
Note: You must be approved by an admin in the group page in order to join the group or make a post. They will most likely let you so long as the public profile you choose to post under indicates your a student at UC San Diego.
Using Instagram
Instagram is another popular tool to reach out to people and brand your organization as a whole. While it is limited due to it primarily being an image-sharing platform, it can still serve as a very important tool in promoting events and organizations.
Elements of a good Instagram profile:
- An easily searchable username
- A simple profile photo
- A simple-yet-creative bio (remember: 150 characters max!)
- A useful URL link
- High quality photos or graphics that are regularly posted
Examples of good Instagram profiles: UCSD Bookstore, UC San Diego Alumni, UCSD AS Concerts and Events, The Triton.
TIP: Tell (and save!) Your Stories Instagram Stories are a great tool to use for events, especially now that you can save them and have them viewed by the public. They are a great way to archive events and letting skeptical audiences see what happens at your events.
The Art of Tabling
Tabling, believe it or not, can be serious business, especially when you are tabling at an event specifically designed to recruit students or advertise something. That’s why it is very important to understand the intricacies that goes into tabling at an event, since a good table can leave a lasting impression on someone. Here are some things to consider when tabling, be it on Library Walk or at an org fair:
- What is the purpose of your table?
- It’s always good to know what you want to do with your table. That way, you can plan out what exactly you want to display on your table.
- Tabling to advertise your organization? Bring recruitment flyers, have a sign-up sheet, display photos of the things you do, etc.
- Tabling to advertise an event coming up? Display posters, give people swag, tell people to RSVP, etc.
- It’s always good to know what you want to do with your table. That way, you can plan out what exactly you want to display on your table.
- What are you showing on your table?
- Every table, regardless of its purpose, should at least consider having the following:
- Signage indicating who you are (custom tablecloth, banner, etc.)
- Signage indicating what you’re promoting (ex. posters for a concert, flyers for recruitment, etc.)
- Handouts with important organization/event information
- Promotional materials or swag (giveaways, pens, stickers, snacks, etc.)
- Multimedia (laptop playing a slideshow, music, iPad for sign-ups, etc.)
- Every table, regardless of its purpose, should at least consider having the following:
- Who should be at your table?
- Always have people from your organization at the table who are prepared to talk effectively communicate your information for a long time.
- No more than 2-3 people at a time, or else the table will be more intimidating to approach.
- Other general tips:
- Prepare an elevator pitch. Especially if you expect to be talking to a LOT of people. Make sure it’s short, straight to the point, but also memorable.
- Accessorize. Wear shirts related to your organization or event!
- Be approachable. Smiling and making eye-contact will draw in more people than those who look bored or are on their phone.
- Have something to do. An interactive component to your table (such as giveaways, games, photobooth, etc.) can draw in crowds and make your table more memorable.
- Stand up. You’ll look more engaged and friendly if you’re up on your feet and looking forward.
- Be cautious of friends. Having friends stop by and say hi can be nice, but their chatter may prevent you from talking to somebody interested at your table.
- Bring food. Tabling for a long time? Bring food beforehand, unless you can have somebody bring food to you. You can’t exactly table if you are leaving it to buy something to eat.
- Pack emergency supplies. Bringing items like duct tape, extension cords, scissors, and more can go a long way.
Planning Your Events and Organization
Event Planning 101
Advising At Sixth
Food at Events
Should I Have Food at my Event?
- Pros: The phrase "FREE FOOD" can sometimes be the reason why people may come to your event. If you are able to afford it, it's highly advised to put it in your budget.
- Cons: Some attendees may only come JUST for the food, rather than engage with the event itself. In that case, it's always best to strategically have the food only offered to those who engage with the event through its activities or serving at the end of the event, making food being a nice bonus for attending.
How to Purchase Food
- Catering Options: If you have an idea of what places you want to get food catered from and how many people you aim to serve, visit their websites, call them, or visit the location in person. From there, you should be able to get a rough estimate on how much food you are able to afford depending on how much you want to get.
- Always order in advance. Make sure to always set delivery times and be ready for them when they come.
- Consider vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free options. The more options you have, the more inclusive your event will be for those with different eating styles.
- Be mindful of allergies. If you order something with the potential to cause a reaction, CLEARLY LABEL THEM OR STATE THEM before serving.
- Budget for taxes, delivery costs, and tip.
- It is better to overestimate than underestimating. Ideally, you should always order enough food that is enough to serve your expected attendee count.
- If you cannot order enough food for your expected attendee count, clearly state in your event that food is limited and is first-come, first-serve.
- Snack Options: For smaller events or events that don’t need full-on meals to serve, consider serving light snacks instead, like chips, pastries, juice, etc.
- These are easily available and purchasable in bulk at wholesale retailers and local markets.
Catering Options on Campus
- HDH Catering
- Offers food for special or casual events.
- Able to deliver and pickup leftover food at specific locations and times.
- University Centers Catering
- The Price Center (Subway, Panda Express, etc.) and the Old Student Center (Taco Villa, Blue Pepper, etc.) can provide catering options and are convenient in that they are located on campus for pickup.
- You must use some of the restaurants’ main website and order online or call from there, choosing UCSD as your pickup location.
Other Things to Consider
- Delivery vs. Pickup
- Delivery can be convenient for busy events, but can be a major hassle sometimes when the delivery people get lost or do not know their way around campus.
- TIP: If ordering online, in the “comments/notes” section of orders, link them to and clearly state the location/building/room the food needs to be delivered to. Be prepared to get a phone call from them if they get lost.
- Pickup can help save money on delivery costs, but requires multiple people who can arrive to the location to grab the food.Pickup is recommended when getting on-campus catering.
- Delivery can be convenient for busy events, but can be a major hassle sometimes when the delivery people get lost or do not know their way around campus.
- Storing Food
- Getting food earlier than the time they need to be served? Establish a plan on where/how you can store them to keep them hot/cold.
- If you know where your venue is for your event, be familiar where any publicly available fridges, microwaves, or ovens are if you need to keep food cold or warmed up before they will be served.