CAT 124 Students Reflect on Studying Abroad in Ireland
Internships in Dublin: Critical Inquiry and Professional Success

"There is so much I will miss from Ireland and my time here that I could go on forever. I will miss all of the beautiful scenery and views of Ireland (especially the view from my room) that you don't have to try hard to seek. I will miss walking around the streets of Dublin and almost always tripping on the cobblestone. I will miss all of the friendly interactions with locals, and my coworkers and supervisor who were so welcoming and fun to be around. I will definitely miss creating memories with my classmates in Dublin." -Azzaya
"A couple things I'll miss about Ireland are definitely the views/scenery and the people. Every time I do a cliff walk or have a view of a certain city the only word that I can think of is 'insane'...In addition, I'll miss the people in this program especially because I feel like we actually became friends rather than just classmates. This experience is also something we all have in common that I don't have with my friends back home. Not only will I miss my new friends, but I'll also miss my coworkers because ever since day one they were so inviting and down to hang out with me." -Millicent

"I will really miss working in my lab and getting to meet tons of new interesting people here in Ireland. Coming into the experience, I was curious to see if the Irish were truly as hospitable as everyone had claimed and that really seemed to be the case. Everyone here was very open to taking a minute to chat even during a busy day. I'll also miss going out to Workman's with everyone in the cohort! Great memories made either way." -Jack
"For two months in Dublin, I made friends and connected with people more than I did in San Diego in a year. I will also miss a short talk with strangers while waiting for a bus, a flight, and food. I'm glad I made the right decision to join summer abroad." -Andy

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