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CAT 124 Students Reflect on Studying Abroad in Ireland

Internships in Dublin: Critical Inquiry and Professional Success

"There is so much I will miss from Ireland and my time here that I could go on forever. I will miss all of the beautiful scenery and views of Ireland (especially the view from my room) that you don't have to try hard to seek. I will miss walking around the streets of Dublin and almost always tripping on the cobblestone. I will miss all of the friendly interactions with locals, and my coworkers and supervisor who were so welcoming and fun to be around. I will definitely miss creating memories with my classmates in Dublin." -Azzaya

"A couple things I'll miss about Ireland are definitely the views/scenery and the people. Every time I do a cliff walk or have a view of a certain city the only word that I can think of is 'insane'...In addition, I'll miss the people in this program especially because I feel like we actually became friends rather than just classmates. This experience is also something we all have in common that I don't have with my friends back home. Not only will I miss my new friends, but I'll also miss my coworkers because ever since day one they were so inviting and down to hang out with me." -Millicent

Check out Millicent's series of Dublin blog posts as part of the Kathleen Denno Scholarship!

"I will really miss working in my lab and getting to meet tons of new interesting people here in Ireland. Coming into the experience, I was curious to see if the Irish were truly as hospitable as everyone had claimed and that really seemed to be the case. Everyone here was very open to taking a minute to chat even during a busy day. I'll also miss going out to Workman's with everyone in the cohort! Great memories made either way." -Jack

"For two months in Dublin, I made friends and connected with people more than I did in San Diego in a year. I will also miss a short talk with strangers while waiting for a bus, a flight, and food. I'm glad I made the right decision to join summer abroad." -Andy

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