Fonna Forman

- Faculty Spotlight
Faculty Spotlight
Dr. Fonna Forman, a lawyer turned political science professor, is the epitome of hope and resilience for migrant communities everywhere. After fighting for prisoner and migrant rights as a lawyer, Dr. Forman decided to shift her focus from how societal issues impact individuals to how she could change the system as a whole. Dr. Forman’s current research focuses on the drivers of migration, and why there is an enormous amount of movement. For example, in addition to factors such as poverty and political instability, climate change has had a huge impact on the quality of life in Mexico. Agricultural instability increases food insecurity, which fuels poverty and violence.
Dr. Forman goes above and beyond to address the underlying issues surrounding the migrant crises by working directly with the communities involved. She partnered with an architect, Professor Teddy Cruz from Visual Arts, to build Community Stations, a sanctuary for homeless refugees in Tijuana, Mexico. The UCSD Community Stations not only creates a space for affordable housing, schooling, and recreational activities, but it also serves as a collaborative knowledge-sharing platform. There is a partnership between the university researchers and members of the migrant communities to share knowledge and learn from one another. By involving everyone in the community in the research, Dr. Forman hopes to generate further projects, narratives, and strategies centered on addressing injustice and improving the lives of those experiencing unimaginable suffering.
For students interested in becoming involved with the Community Stations, Dr. Forman offers student internship projects where students can travel to the Community Stations to work with the local communities to address a research question. One unique opportunity offered to Sixth College students is to take CAT 124. As part of the Experiential Learning Committee, Dr. Forman has implemented a year-long course that gives Sixth College students the opportunity to complete a project with the Community Stations in order to fulfill the Experiential Learning Requirement.
Besides her abundant community involvement, Dr. Forman is very interested in the social components surrounding climate change. With Dr. Ram Ramanathan, Dr. Forman co-chairs the Bending the Curve undergraduate course that is taught at all 10 UC campuses. By teaching students how the planet is changing and giving them the tools to address the climate crisis, Dr. Forman hopes to empower students to design solutions with the knowledge they’ve learned from the course.
Appointed by the University of California President Michael Drake, Dr. Forman Co-Chairs the Global Climate Leadership Council, where she works with others to advise the UC president on climate policy and research. One of the biggest programs she was a part of was the investment in climate education for all students. The incoming class of UCSD will have a climate change course requirement as part of their general education requirements.
Dr. Forman is currently writing a book on redefining citizenship in border regions. Most people define citizenship based on where we were born, but she hopes to redefine the relationships between countries in a new light. Dr. Forman points out how regions are not defined by political power or jurisdiction, but instead, regions are defined by ecological and physical systems. By working together, countries can not only coexist but thrive if resources are protected and shared.
Other than writing, Dr. Forman is enjoying long walks on the beach, often accumulating over 15,000 steps a day. Through her research, public interventions, and educational initiatives, Dr. Forman challenges systemic injustices, amplifies marginalized voices, and inspires others to join the fight for a more inclusive and compassionate world.