CAT 124
CAT 124 courses bring together an interdisciplinary faculty to expound on culture, art, and technology themes, examining different topics each quarter, through distinct experiential learning opportunities. These classes fulfill the experiential learning requirement and are open to students in all departments and fields. Preauthorization requests for CAT 124 can be submitted through the Enrollment Authorization System and do not require a justification or any supporting documentation.
Spring 2025 Courses
CAT 124: Engaging San Diego: Taking Local Action to Address Global Issues
Bill Robertson Geibel
Assistant Teaching Professor, CAT
Wednesday 11:00 a.m.-1:50 p.m.
Supported by funding from Project Pericle, this hands-on, experiential learning course will challenge you to not only learn about important global issues but to take local action to help solve them through a media-based social impact campaign. In the first part of the class, you will work in groups to identify and research a specific global-local issue to address. In the second part of the class, you will learn about various media-based approaches and theories of social change that will inform the development of your group's campaign. You will then create and execute a strategic media campaign, focusing on either correcting misinformation or educating the public on the issue you've chosen. Each campaign will culminate in the production of a mini-documentary designed to inject an evidence-based narrative into our local media ecosystem, supplemented by a targeted social media campaign. Finally, we will end the class by analyzing our campaigns and reflecting on their impact and sustainability. Ultimately, this class will push you to think individually and collectively to form original ideas that build off of established knowledge and practices. As such, you will not only sharpen your research, analytical, and communication skills but also be empowered with a stronger sense of global and civic agency in the digital age.
View the Spring 2023 highlights of this CAT 124 course!
CAT 124: Sixth Literary Arts Magazine
Becca Rose
Lecturer, CAT
Wednesday 1:00-3:50 p.m.
What experiences have you longed to see represented in books, magazines, journals, comics? In what ways do you think art and literature can influence identity, can forge community, can create dissent? In this experiential learning course, we will explore these questions both by learning about literature and creating our own. In the classroom, we will engage with readings, lecture, and discussion that will focus on learning about the systemic and structural inequalities of the publishing industry that has and continues to favor white, male, cis, heteronormative, neurotypical, and able-bodied people, but more particularly we will devote ourselves to learning about the community-centered movements, presses, and projects (such as Kitchen Table Press, the Riot Grrrl 'zine movement, present-day Rowhouse Publishing, and more) that have and continue to challenge those industry norms and create space for more voices in literature (while also critiquing any further failings of representation within some movements). For the experiential component of the course, we will put this space-making into practice ourselves: we will make literature and form community within and outside of the classroom through the creation and sharing of the collective final project—the second issue of Sixth College's very own literary arts magazine, for which you will be the editorial team. As such, this course isn't just about histories of literature—this course is about what kind of art and literature you want in the world. Please note that community-making is integral to this course, which has a significant group work component that will require both in class and out of class collaboration.
View the Summer 2023 highlights of this CAT 124 course!
Writing Support
There are a variety of writing resources around campus for students to take advantage of. In addition to CAT TAs' office hours, students may visit the Writing Hub in the Teaching and Learning Commons for help with their writing assignments. The Office of Academic Support and Instructional Services (OASIS) also offers a variety of tutoring programs, including the Language Arts Tutorial Services (LATS).